Genus Thysanopoda

Milne-Edwards, 1830

Generic diagnosis:

The eye is round in adults.

The 1st segment of the peduncle of the 1st antenna has the distal portion elevated abruptly as a heavy, posteriorly-rounded lobe (except inT. tricuspidata) (T. cristata lappet ,T. tricuspidata lappet).

The thoracic legs are similarly developed (except in male T. aequalis); none are conspicuously elongated (Thysanopoda-thoracic legs). The terminal segments of the first two legs are shortened, and furnished with brush-like setae. The 7th leg is distinctly shorter than preceding one. The 8th leg is extremely reduced.

Thysanopoda is based on the presence of seven thoracic legs and the rudiment of an eighth. The genus appears to be a natural group, with the possible exception of T. tricuspidata , which not only lacks the structure of the peduncle of the 1st antenna characteristic of the other Thysanopoda species, but its larval development has unique aspects (Knight, 1973).

The eggs ofThysanopoda are shed before hatching.