Euphausia crystallorophias


  • Baker, A. de C., B. P. Boden and E. Brinton 1990. A practical guide to the euphausiids of the world. British Museum (Natural History), London. 96 pp.
  • Guglielmo, L. and G. Costanzo 1978. Diagnostic value of the thelycum in euphausiids. II. Oceanic species. Genus Euphausia Dana, 1852. Archivio di Oceanografia e Limnologia 19: 143-155.
  • Holt, E. W. L. and W. M. Tattersall 1906. Preliminary notice of the Schizopoda collected by H.M.S. "Discovery" in the Antarctic region. Annals and Magazine of Natural History: including Zoology, Botany and Geology. London, Ser. 7. 17: 1-11.
  • John, D. D. 1936. The southern species of the genus Euphausia . "Discovery" Reports 14: 193-324.
  • Kittel, W. and P. Presler 1980. Morphology of the postlarval developmental stages of Euphausia crystallorophias Holt et Tattersall, 1906 (Euphausiacea, Crustacea). Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii 27: 259-265.
  • Lomakina, N. B. 1972. Phylogenetic relationship of the Euphausia species (Euphausiacea) of the South Ocean. Zoologischeskii Zhurnal, Moscow 51: 812-820.
  • Mauchline, J. 1980. The biology of mysids and euphausiids. Advances in Marine Biology 18: 1-681.
  • Mauchline, J. and L. R. Fisher 1969. The biology of euphausiids. Advances in Marine Biology 7: 1-454.
  • Thomas, P. G. and G. V. Nash 1987. Thelycum and spermatophore structure in the Antarctic euphausiids Euphausia superba and E. crystallorophias. Proceedings NIPR Symp. Polar Biology 1: 63-71.