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  • Larvae of Euphausiacea in the Antarctic. Trudy Instituta Okeanologii, Akademiya nauk SSSR 105: 147-170.
  • Pillar 1985
  • Laboratory studies on the larval growth and development of Nyctiphanes capensis (Euphausiacea). Journal of Plankton Research 7: 223-240.
  • Pillar 1984
  • Laboratory studies on the larval growth and development of E. lucens (Euphausiacea). South African Journal of Marine Science 2: 43-48.
  • Podgorin 1982
  • On certain development stages of Euphausia pacifica . Biologia Morya 2: 72-75.
  • Ponomareva 1959
  • Reproduction of Euphausiidae of the Sea of Japan and development of their early larval stages. Zoologischeskii Zhurnal 38: 1643-1662.
  • Ponomareva 1969
  • Investigations on some tropical euphausiid species of the Indian Ocean. Marine Biology 3: 81-86.